Engineering Drawing NIMI MCQ Pdf 2023, ITI 1st year SET-1

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Leader line: It is a thin continuous line. It connects a note or dimension with the features to which it applies. Termination and Origin indication: The size of the terminations (arrowheads/oblique strokes) shall be proportional to the size of the drawing. Only one style of arrowhead shall be used on a single drawing. However, where the space is too small for the arrowheads, it may be substituted by a dot or by an oblique line. Arrowheads are drawn as short lines forming barbs at any convenient Dimension to the hidden lines be avoided. included angle between 15° and 90°. They may be open, closed or closed and filled in. Oblique strokes are drawn as short lines inclined at 45°. Indicating dimensional values on drawings: All dimensional values shall be shown on drawings in characters of sufficient size to ensure complete legibility on the original drawings as well as on reproductions made from micro-filming. They shall be placed in such a way that they are not crossed or separated by any other line on the drawing Engineering Drawing NIMI MCQ.

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Dimensioning – Position of dimensioning (aligned, unidirectional) Definitions related to dimensioning Dimension: It is a numerical value expressed as an appropriate unit of measurement and indicated graphically on technical drawings with lines, symbols and notes. Dimensions are classified according to the following types: Functional dimension (F): It is a dimension that is essential to the function of the component or space. They are generally shown with limits. Non-functional dimension (NF): It is a dimension that is not essential for the function of the component or space.
Auxiliary or Reference dimension (AUX/REF): It is the dimension given for information only. It is derived from the values given on the drawing or related documents and it will not be given for production or inspection.

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